We Are Now Live in DRC!

You can now communicate with your customers in DRC! Talk to us to get started.

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Product overview

Premium SMS gives you the opportunity to monetize the information and entertainment you provide to your clients by charging a higher rate. Premium SMS uses a shortcode that your clients can use to send and receive messages. You can either bill your clients when they send an SMS referred to as Mobile Originating (MO) tariff or when they receive the message, referred to as Mobile Terminating (MT)

On Demand

A user will receive content only when they request for it. Once delivered, they would have to request for it again. This option does not support an ongoing relationship with the content provider.

On Subscription

Subscription based services deliver content to a user once they have subscribed to the service. Content will continually be delivered regularly for as long as the subscription stands.

Use cases

Content Delivery

Premium SMs can be used to provide news alerts, quotes, stock tips, relationship advice or even deliver music to users. This allows you to generate revenue from subscriptions or on demand requests for your service.


Competitions or award service can use Premium SMS shortcodes to give their users a chance to vote for their favorite. This service will also generate revenue for the organizers.

Betting Platforms

Premium SMS shortcodes can be a great way to support users who are on a betting service. Users can subscribe to receiving betting tips or odds they can play. Sending or receiving these messages provide a revenue stream to the betting service.


Congestion Free

Our robust gateways are able to receive and process thousands of requests concurrently reducing the risk of congestion.

Free retries

When a message delivery fails, we provide free retries in order to help you maximize your revenues.

Delivery Reports

We receive and process delivery notifications from carries for all SMS messages sent on our APIs and send them to your application.

All you need to build - SMS

# import package import africastalking
#initialize SDK username = "YOUR_USERNAME"
# Initialize a service e.g. SMS sms = africastalking.SMS
# Use the service synchronously response = sms.send("Hello There!", ["+2547XXXXXXXX"])

AT Developers

Start your first SMS campaign

We have provided extensive resources to help you quickly build, integrate and test your applications.


See sample code



Entity < 100,000 SMSes 100,000 - 1,000,000 SMSes > 1,000,000 SMSes
Government of Kenya 33.4% 33.4% 33.4%
Safaricom 50% 30% 40%
Shortcode owner 80% 90% 85%
Africa's Talking 20% 10% 15%

Premium SMS revenue calculator


Total Revenue (10 messages):

KES 28.74

Revenue per SMS sent

KES 2.874

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